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ISO 20022: How to Navigate the Long Journey Ahead

 12 min read
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Deadlines for full implementation of ISO 20022 may seem far in the future—but for many FIs, the journey to compliance is well on its way. Navigating these new standards requires significant investments in technology and processes, and the time leading up to compliance deadlines will be critical. But how can you ensure your FI is on the right track?


To help you navigate the long journey ahead, we’ve prepared a guide packed with step-by-step implementation insights from subject-matter experts in banking and payments.


The full guide covers: 

  • Strategizing for ISO 20022 implementation 
  • Planning for new processes, monitoring and reporting  
  • Navigating the development phase and post-implementation 
  • The business advantages ISO 20022 can bring to your FI 

Download the guide to help your FI prepare for ISO 20022 compliance—and leverage opportunities to gain competitive advantage 

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