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Retail customers riding the escalors in shopping mall

Mastering Unified Commerce

A masterclass with Paul Maguire, Head of Retail Delivery at Endava

Are you ready to unify and uplift your business' entire value chain?

Unified commerce is the creation of a seamless customer experience across all business channels. The focus lies around combining all data, systems and user journeys into one platform – putting the customer at the very center. Our course provides you with the foundations and knowledge to start implementing this across all facets of your organisation.

Module 1

Introduction to Unified Commerce

In this first module, we unpack what the term unified commerce means, identify key business benefits, discuss the relevance and opportunities in today's market, along with key trends in global retail.

Mastering Unified Commerce Masterclass - Module 1 - Introduction to Unified Commerce
Module 1 - Introduction to Unified Commerce

Module 2 & 3

Ready for more?

Here is what you can expect in the next 2 sessions:

  • Module 2 - Unpacking the overall retail technology landscape – customer facing components, internal elements and support platforms. In addition, you'll learn about the top priorities to consider as part of a unified commerce platform, priority building blocks and common pitfalls.
  • Module 3 - Exploration of high level technical architecture approaches, the impact of application on existing programmes, driving immediate and ongoing value from your investment, trends in modern working practices and the benefits of partnering with the right organisation.

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