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Launch Your Own Retail Media Network 

Find Out if You’re Ready to Launch Your Own Retail Media Network 

In a matter of years, retail media has become a major destination for marketing spends. Advertisers are discovering en masse that by placing creative at the point of purchase, they’re instantly more likely to capture the attention of motivated consumers. Crucially, access to retailers’ wealth of first-party information also allows advertisers to circumvent the imminent deprecation of third-party cookies.  

These advantages have meant a lot of money flowing towards retail media networks (RMNs), operated by retailers who have turned their digital and in-store estates into ad space. Currently, the big beasts of retail dominate the list of the most popular RMNs: Amazon, Walmart and Target. But as this ecosystem matures, smaller players are finding lucrative niches too.  

In this e-book, we present a methodology for retailers of all sizes to determine how ready they are to start attracting ad spends with their own RMNs. We’ll cover: 

  • The basics of retail media
  • The advantages of moving fast into the RMN space 
  • The building blocks of a successful RMN 
  • How to identify whether you’re ready to open up your own RMN
  • Practical steps to prepare to go to market 
Grab your copy now to start finding your place on the most significant revenue frontier for retail.  



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